I’m Back!

July 10, 2014

Fallen-Trees-The-Enchanted-Forest-Tervuren-Belgium-Elaine-KennedyHow exciting!  I have the fully functional blog up and running, and now it looks exactly like the rest of CharlestonReikiHealing.com, just as it should!

That said, I accidentally deleted my old blog posts in the process, so if you are searching for those you will not find them.  BUT, if one of those topics interests you, please contact me and I will be more than happy to re-create the old post as best as possible!

Some of the many topics I’ve blogged about in the past include a variety of healing topics, channeling, past life regression, Lyme disease and fibromyalgia, cultural differences between living in different states (who knew!?), tips for caring better for our planet, and de-cluttering our homes and our lives.

Phew!  That’s a LOT!

Please remember that you can email me at any time with any questions you  have.  I will do my best to get back to you quickly, though some topics are more appropriate discussed over the telephone so please include your phone number when you write.

Thank you!, and



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