Contact Jenni
The best way to reach Jenni is via email. Please include your phone number in your email, and I will call or email you as soon as possible. Please let me know if you are available for phone calls past 9pm, as I may be able to call you the same day if you are a night owl (indicate please how late is too late).
Please note that if you receive a phone call from me, do NOT try to text me to reply, as I use a landline and cannot receive text messages - I will not know that you've tried to reach me.
Also, please let me know what you are interested in talking about, and any important information. If you are interested in a session, please indicate if this is about a channeling session, a past life regression session, an EFT session, or a distance or in person Reiki session (or other!).
Please note that due to health issues I do not check email daily, please allow up to a week for me to reply and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Email -
Buy Distance Reiki Sessions below:

Reiki Sessions
Distance Reiki Sessions are available for anyone, anywhere in the world! I work with clients as far away as Australia and Italy.
I offer these sessions in various time increments, please select the one that you would like:
Please select a time length from the drop down menu above, and then click "Buy Session" to be redirected to Paypal - which is always safe and secure. You do not need an account there to check out. Thank you!