Reiki Courses - Long Distance / Online Classes
Learn Chakra Balancing!
I am currently offering a unique opportunity for anyone interested in learning Reiki level I (and II) long distance. Many people in other areas have expressed learning Reiki with me, and now that's possible! Should a student wish to (and be invited to) move on to level III, the Master/Teacher level, at least a portion of this level must be done in person prior to certification.
Reiki I Distance Learning Course / Class
Learn Reiki from the comfort of your own home! Have you been interested in this healing modality? Guess what? No experience is needed, and no "healing gift" is required, though many people who have this gift are drawn to Reiki. You do not need to have any special ability to learn to practice this ancient healing art.
Reiki is for anyone who wants to better him or herself, who wants to help to heal others or even to help to heal the world!
Reiki I level teaches you the basics of Reiki; its history, practices, what the different levels mean, methodology, and the chakra system and how this relates to Reiki (which includes balancing the chakras). Students learn the basic hand positions, how to "turn on/off" the Reiki, and each student will receive a Reiki I attunement. You'll be practicing on friends or family members, and we move step by step as you learn.
There will be ample written materials provided for you in an online packet I provide. You're welcome to print this out for your own use, but you may NOT share it with others as this is copyrighted material. I also have videos which you'll have access to online to view the hand positions as you learn them, and an audio of a guided meditation you may download to listen to for our scheduled time for your attunement.
The distance Reiki I class allows you to learn some of the materials independently, but then we will virtually meet via phone, Skype, etc., for me to answer any questions that arise and to go over your first video of practicing the hand positions. We will then schedule a second virtual meeting for me to do your attunement, and then discuss your experience over the phone / Skype. A third virtual meeting allows me to answer any additional questions you may have, discuss your experiences practicing on your family and / or friends, and to view a second video showing me your working on someone of your choosing who has agreed to volunteer for this session.
Reiki I is primarily for self-healing, as well as for healing family, friends, and even pets! Reiki I students can also Reiki their plants, water, food, and even their homes or cars! Once you have successfully completed this course, you will receive a digital certificate (I will print and mail one within the US for an added fee, but most students prefer to print their own) showing that you have completed this course. Upon successful completion, you are welcome to enroll in my Reiki II course, or you may prefer to stop at this level and simply practice self-Reiki daily and offer Reiki to your loved ones. Reiki II is a requirement before practicing professionally.
The Reiki I distance learning course is offered at any time and is designed to be a private class. Students must have access to a computer / internet, phone (with video recording capability OR a camcorder or other video recording device), and speak English clearly and comfortably. I teach students anywhere in the world, but time zones may be an issue as our live-time "meetings" will be in the evening my time (EST / EDT). For those in the western US/Canada, including Alaska and Hawai'i, appointments are available late-night my time to coincide with your evening. Early risers in Western Europe may also be accommodated during my very late night hours.
You will need to have at least two different adults who are willing to let you practice on them, and at least one has to be willing to be on video for me to watch you during at least two sessions. Repeat video sessions may be necessary as you learn the various hand positions.
I have been teaching Reiki for well over a decade, and have been practicing a variety of energy healing modalities for over 35 years. Are there cheaper online Reiki classes out there? I have no doubt that there are. But I can say I offer integrity with ensuring that you receive the same level education and the same quality attunement as you would if you were physically in my studio at one of my in-person workshops. I put a great deal of time and effort into ensuring that your questions are all answered within a reasonable timeframe, and our phone/Skype calls give you the ability to ask questions via voice when an email explanation may not be sufficient. I ensure that each of my students, whether in-person or long distance, has all of the knowledge and tools needed to move forward upon receiving their certifications. This is truly a unique opportunity!
Learn Reiki Online!
Sign up now for your Reiki I distance learning class, or SAVE $30 and purchase Reiki levels 1 & 2 together!

Please check out my informational video below discussing the Reiki distance learning programs! View here or on Youtube!